Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Stop Snitchin'? Yeah right...

Last year around this time here in Hyde Park the manager of a restaurant was murdered and initially it was thought to be a robbery gone bad. In the hood the word was a former employee did it. Today the official word came that indeed it was a former employee who was upset about being fired and “asked a group of friends to retaliate against her boss, Corey Ebenezer, after she was fired.”

According to 25-year old Erika Ray asked her homies to kill this brother because she was dismissed from her gig. Now trust me at 25 I was just glad to have a job and I seem to remember getting fired many times and being quite pleased about it. I wonder what possesses a person, what energy is strong enough to forgo your family and future to kill someone over losing a job.

Here is where it gets tricky – not only does the family of Corey Ebenezer continue to grieve over his death, Erika Ray’s family has to be scratching their heads. Why did she ask someone to kill that man? What kind of neo-ghetto new jack revenge bullshit was she on?

Has anyone noticed that there is a campaign in many urban areas to stop snitchin’? Well Lorenzo Wilson didn’t get the memo. Lorenzo allegedly shot and killed the 26 year old father (the baby was 5 days old at the time of his death) for a friend. He tricked on her ass as soon as he possibly could.

So maybe the lesson learned is that you can’t get upset if you get fired and kill your boss. You can’t ask friends of yours to do it and not expect to get snitched on. You can’t be that hung up over losing a job at Leona’s of all places and want to destroy not just the intended victim’s life, but your life and your hit men homies lives too.

The stop snitchin' outreach program is failing. Too bad Corey had to die for it.

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