Friday, September 5, 2008


I am not the smartest man on earth...although I wish I were. If I were I would have the answer to the burning question - why would anyone think for a second that John McCain is the choice for them. I'll go the Obama route and say that while he may be a nice man and honorable and all of those wonderful things, he most certainly is forgetful. He forgot to pass the King Holiday...he forgot for like 15 or 16 years. He forgot that he and his running mate have oil interests too just like Bush and Cheney. He forgot that we saw him on that runway 3 years ago when GW came to celebrate his birthday with him while in NOLA and the rest of the Gulf, water was flowing everywhere and destruction and chaos were running wild.

Let's now call this what it is: youth versus experience, mettle vs diplomacy, white vs black. No matter that Senator Obama's mom is a white woman in the eyes of of white America this is white vs black. In lieu of common sense the RNC had their Whites Only goose step party and there was a grand total of 36 black delegates. To what interests do the Republicans have for black Americans unless they are singing, dancing, running, jumping, acting or stealing. None. Clearly an aspiring black republican had to have been turned off by this weeks convention.

The parties platform does not have any substance and to be honest I didn't hear one policy idea or one bill idea or anything that would make me say "you know, that is a great idea" because THEY HAVE NOTHING TO OFFER. Except DEATH and DESTRUCTION and POVERTY and WAR and the Real ID and chip implants and all the shit that scares you at night, they got MORE OF IT THAN THEY KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH.

John McCain and Mrs. Bush (Palin) while giving the appearance of wanting "change" they came off kind of Matrix-y (thanks to Chuck Sudo for that one). Listen, no one is disillusioned or maniacal or crazy or any of those things. I clearly see how this is going to end. The Repubs are going to try to hijack the electoral vote. There I said it. Hijack the Electoral vote and revisit the appointment of GW. You do remember that right? They know they can't win in the court of popular opinion so they'll try and hijack your trust and those votes and the worlds view of who and what Americans are.

I wish I could be more positive but it is what it is. Now if I could just figure out who the electoral voters in my state does one go about doing that? Well on the way to find that - I found THIS. So wow this is taking a very "matrix-y" turn isn't it?

To Be Continued...

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