Friday, February 1, 2008

Aw C'mon Arne!

Welcome to February and a pretty large snowfall. Large enough to close this many schools but not the Chicago Public Schools. There hasn't been a snow day in the Chicago Public Schools since 1999. Arne Duncan CEO of the school system said, "We've never had a snow day, we really think our schools should be open – barring some unforeseen disaster, we can to keep schools open."

But wait a second Arne - isn't the real reason to keep the schools open money? The system can't get money from the state/feds if the schools are closed right? Risking peoples lives on a day like today when at least eight inches of snow has fallen already? Mr. Duncan your teachers won't go to school on a day like this.

The kids that do manage to show up end up with a substitute or they are placed in either a lunchroom or auditorium - LEARNING NOTHING ARNE! How much snow has to fall in order for Arne to say no school? THERE IS NO AMOUNT. If a car can move through the snow then the schools are open. It has been said if the CTA can't operate because of the weather then the schools are closed. THE CTA IS ALWAYS IN OPERATION. Give your students a break Arne - let 'em stay home. By the way do you think Arne went to work today?

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