Peace and light.
We begin the 2011 edition of "you gotta be bleeping me" with the shootings in Arizona. One gunman, too many shots, too many tears. Disgust, anger and resentment. How did this happen and why did this happen query's...
In a world or even better, in a country where such an overwhelming double standard exists, it comes as NO surprise that the uproar over these horrible murders is ringing unusually loud. Meanwhile in Chicago...New Orleans...Oakland...NYC...Miami...
I'm not saying that people shouldn't be outraged, THEY SHOULD but when murder and crimes in major cities, impoverished areas occur there is an equally deafening silence. It isn't enough to suggest that race is involved or tea bagging nutjobs like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin and bible burning preachers or military funeral protesters, I get why the media is all over the story and the somber tones that are taken while reporting it. I get it...
However I don't get how this double standard of watching young people die/kill each other is more of a head shaking dilemma for American media while the recent shooting in AZ is somehow confirmation that we have serious problems as a republic.
Clearly people dying on the streets of major cities is just population control while in Arizona the somber tones are more of a reflection of how American media views Americans. We like our tragedies multifaceted with a crazed mugshot and congresswomen and 9 year olds caught in the crossfire of an idiot as opposed to cities full of blank faces or colored faces, Americans who might not be American enough for America to care.
Peace and light.