Monday, December 31, 2007
But Mr. Gates knows that I am an average person who has an extraordinary job. I'm an advocate for kids and an artist who is still in search of the ultimate job/s and I need to test your product out too! Who better than me or one of my readers who are forced to have the Microsoft brand thrown at us on a regular? We deserve to try the product out too. The kids at Kuumba Lynks should have one. The kids in the Saturday Scholars program at Columbia College should all get one to test. Myra Bradwell elementary school on Chicago's southside, they all need one Mr. Gates.
Here is the deal...Bill Gates if you ever read this I want a laptop from you. The same ones the bloggers got and a nice one. Not one that you dropped on the floor. If you don't give one to me, give them to one of my concerns that I mentioned. Myra Bradwell is where I went to school and when I was there all we had was each other...Kuumba Lynks - those are good kids and they can use a boost, ya know? The Saturday Scholars are heading through the most challenging time in any of our lives certainly they could benefit...
I must admit, you are a great listener Mr. Gates and even though the cpu's and laptops that we use are falling apart, they contain your software which gives us the ability to tell and share. Technology, entertainment, sports, politics, spirituality, films, social commentary, internet radio whatever it is it has Microsoft in it - your software that we've been using...
and before anybody start goin' to town with the "why you runnin' to the white man to help you" bullshit understand that if Microsoft can lend a hand considering the billions of dollars that people of color spend on computers and their software - better than that, you start a company that makes zillions of dollars from sales of software that makes our computers run efficiently and we'll get shit from you - shut up.
Happy New Year you wacky Gregorians, can't wait for 2008!
and I got those addresses for you Mr. Gates whenever you need them.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Sunday Night Service
he was older
than his audience
a hero back then
older than his wisdom
he celebrated with birds
grouches and purple puppets
older than the street
I grew up on
in spotlight
he sang of blue afro
the hips of hazel
and the meaning of we for white men
older than his music
his eye never missed
maidens who walked the township
older than the maidens he watched
sin and soul
untapped treasure
speaking for the voiceless
grandfather of a new culture
in fact
resplendent in his grey
warriors don't get old
their struggle is timeless
written by Mario
Copyright 2007 - Roosevelt Franklin Writers Guild
All Karmic Rights Reserved
it goes without saying that he was/is one of the greatest human beings I've ever met. I think of him often...please, please do whatever you have Oscar Brown Jr. For more go here
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Nailah Franklin Revisited
Late Friday evening Chicago Police charged Reginald Potts, 30 with the murder of Nailah Franklin. This past summer upon word of her disappearance the city was flooded with pictures of her and for many the hunt for her became an obsession. I didn't know Nailah but I saw her around the city and from all accounts she was a wonderful woman. Her sisters are also good people and I feel for her family. I must also add that the Chicago Police are notorious for arresting people who had zero to do with a particular case. In October Reginald Potts was interviewed by Chicago Sun-Times columnist Mary Mitchell (read article here) and every fiber of my being hopes that they caught the right guy because no one deserves to die the way she did. If this guy couldn't handle it he should have walked away. The emails that were sent back and forth are public record and that in itself is sad. He's kind of like a black Drew Peterson for lack of a better word. He proclaimed his innocence and then almost immediately ran to the media for interviews and the like. Piece of garbage? Yes. Innocent? Don't know but I would hope so for his sake. It would sicken me to hear that the cops got the wrong guy - again.
That leaves two major crimes involving women of color in Chicago unsolved. The incineration of two women in Chicago's Hyde Park is still hanging out there...get on it Andy and Barney, call Barnaby, Columbo, Hawk, Mannix, Mrs. Marple whoever just get it done. The Chicago Police are busy patting each other on the back at the moment.
Nailah Franklin - I hope now you can rest.
Area Man Dumber Than A Bag Of Titanium Hammers
read this
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Quick Hits
The Jay's Potato Chip factory on Chicago's South Side is closing down this afternoon and with it a HUGE question - what do I eat with my sandwiches? I'm a Jay's man...I remember getting the pencils to go back to school with when I was a shorty. The chips were/are great and the 200 plus people who are now out of work three weeks before Xmas must be pretty pissed. I'd be careful with the next few months worth of Jay's...could have that special urine flavor if you know what I mean.
And Now We Have Sound
There is a voice to go with the face. Drew Doo Doo's wife who is missing along with a hundred other women around the globe including a few European children has left the world what may be her last phone message. When will this end? The magic 8 ball says "they haven't arrested that piece of garbage yet?" Maybe they need a better detective. Or perhaps a better team of lawyers and detectives. Personally I think it is beyond comical that Drew Doo Doo is still free. You got a missing blue barrel with quite possibly a missing white woman inside of it, a missing cowardly lion's mask and did I mention a missing WHITE WOMAN IN A BLUE FRIGGING BARREL that no one can find. Compelling and rich...
I Can't Go Shopping - Not With All The Shooting
My hatred for the commercialism of Xmas has reached it's zenith. Depressed area teenager Robert A. Hawkins was recently fired from Mickey D's, released from his girlfriend and kicked out of his parents home. That was enough for him to kill nine people at a Omaha, Nebraska mall yesterday. I wish that boy was alive, I'd show him depression. He then killed himself because - well we'll never know that part. Chicken.
And Finally
You be the judge.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Here Come The Hawks?
Well I never...the Chicago Blackhawks are back and I couldn't be happier. You may be asking yourself, why is Mario happy about a hockey team that has been dormant for almost 20 years? Why would he be excited about a team that until the former owner died couldn't get on television if they lined up and executed people at the United Center. Why get excited about a team that has ZERO presence in the hood? Why man, why?
Because things are changing on the West Side of Chicago and I am with it! Let me start with this team, this wonderful young hockey team. Dustin Byfuglien who has made an impact primarily because the Hawks needed a good defenseman, it doesn't hurt that he's a scorer (had a natural hat trick recently) and he's a brother...and the number one prospect for the Hawks is from - Nigeria...
Say word son? WORD. These Blackhawks have my full attention not just because of the Dynamic Duo - Kane and Toews or Patrick Sharp, Marty Havlat, or even the Bulin Wall but they've made the conscious choice to reach out to a community of people that are hockey retarded. Other players of color - Grant Fuhr, Kevin Weekes, Jarome Iginla have made their mark and for something like that to take place here? Chicago? Bravo Rocky Wirtz (new owner), bravo. Guess what gang get used to it. Chicago Blackhawk Hockey is back, the young lions are running things, the games will be on TV like they used to be - and the brothers are here.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Quick Hits
The season known as Year End Clearance is in full swing and with it a series of quick hits so you can get back to your "holiday" shopping.
Funeral Pyre
Stacy Peterson has been missing for a month now...Theresa Bunn has been dead since November 12th...she was murdered then set on fire not too far away from where I am writing this to you. Her killer hasn't been found and to make matters worse this case also gets little to zero media attention. This may have something to do with where the murder was committed (I should say murders there was a body of a young woman, Hazel Lewis who was also incinerated). On the southside of
Making Up For Lost Time
The writers strike is in full swing and MAN I hope it ends soon. The execs at NBC are going to show “vintage” episodes of the Tonight Show starring…Jay Leno? Damn when does Conan start again?
From the SportsDesk
Devin Hester can out run you.
The Chicago Bulls really stink and John Paxson should be jailed for not getting
Arsenal is the best football team you’ve never heard of.
…And Finally
Before Thankstaking I saw a photo of President Bush with some Native Americans…it is the most disturbing photograph I have seen in recent memory. It is also a biting commentary on where we are as a nation. The only time the indigenous are recognized is when we celebrate their massacre. Hope you had an enjoyable Thankstaking.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Drew Drew Doo-Doo
Hey Drew if you want to be famous admit that you have something to do with your wife's disappearance. Admit that you were a horrible cop with questionable methods, admit that you are a scumbag and that you represent the worst that manhood has to offer. Diamond and Tionda Bradley are missing as well sir. You are everywhere.
Fuck you drew.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Leathal Weapon, Get The Record Straight...HEY!
One of the most incredible things in the history of things has occurred. The former head of the HotHouse has spoke...and my name has come up. Read this (The TOC Blog) and I will explain on Monday. BTW - part of it is ten pages long...unbelievable.
Hello Friend
Go check out Live Earth and see what you can do to be a part of the solution...get it?
Enjoy that and we'll talk starting Monday...
be well
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Quick Hits
Man it's been one summer to remember - already...
The WASTE of Chicago was a success, I suppose. (Here is a look into the best festival this town has EVER had - CHICAGOFEST) A ton of arrests, lots of food devoured and all of Columbus drive smells like crap. GOOD WORK CHICAGO!
The rash of murders against the young people here in Chicago (and around the US) has become an epidemic. We have an obligation to do something about that and we must think in terms of a solution and not let this dialouge ramble on forever. Our children are dying and we need to get our shit together to stop this - ASAP.
This month marks Hip-Hop Heritage Month here in Chicago. Please visit for more info and if you don't have similar events in your hometown - get down on it peoples! While you are checking out the hip-hop stuff -'s my musical family...
That is all for the moment. If you would like to be a contributor (gratis of course) leave me a comment and we'll work something out.
Enjoy the moment...and be well.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Need for Direction
I know I shouldn’t have but I did…I drove through Downtown Chicago during the fireworks display on
Part of the problem is simply lack of planning in terms of heavy crowds (annually over one million people) and heavy traffic. The love affair the city has with closing streets is unmatched. When the Chicago Bulls won their first championship back in 1990-'91, Chicago Police blocked off all roads heading North of downtown creating a massive traffic jam that didn’t allow many to leave Downtown until 3am…I’m not sure how long they have been doing the July 3rd bangy bang but Mayor Daley decided that the city needs a group of civilians who would have the power to control the flow of traffic for special events and the occasional sports championship celebration or civil protest. The Traffic Management Authority was born and man do they ever suck.
They are the single most horrid group of people to ever be under the employ of my tax dollar. They couldn’t direct a porno movie, they cause far more traffic jams than one can count, kinda crappy attitude, did I mention that they couldn’t direct a porno movie? Seems simple to me, let the main arteries remain open and shut down parts of the city for shorter periods of time and then reopen them to release the flow of traffic. While I was stuck in traffic last night, I wondered what if this was in the middle of a “terrorist” situation. I would be in major trouble jack – that doesn’t sit well with me. I don’t think I’ll be driving downtown again considering me and Anarchy work better when we aren’t stuck in traffic.
Hey Mr. Mayor, thanks for allowing my car to overheat because your TMA sucks so horribly. Thanks also for the cherubic Chicago Police officer who made me get on the Kennedy Expressway instead of allowing me to make the left turn at Congress that would have put me 5 minutes away from where I was going. Oh yeah, thanks again Mr. Mayor for spending millions of dollars, tax payers dollars on your beloved Traffic Management Authority instead of building up the Chicago Police force with people who could direct traffic – TRAFFIC COPS like there used to be a few short years ago. The idea that someone’s grandma or ex-felon would be able to direct traffic on the busiest, heaviest traffic night of the year is a joke. It ain’t working son, not working.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Introducing Snap Shots from
I just installed a nice little tool on this site called Snap Shots that enhances links with visual previews of the destination siteSometimes Snap Shots bring you the information you need, without your having to leave the site, while other times it lets you "look ahead," before deciding if you want to follow a link or not.
Should you decide this is not for you, just click the Options icon in the upper right corner of the Snap Shot and opt-out.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
End of an Era?
It is with great dismay that I report something that apparently many already knew. HotHouse the South Loop stalwart is closing/relocating. July 15 is the scheduled last day of operations for the joint which has housed hundreds of shows and lectures over the years. My relationship with HotHouse goes back to its days on Milwaukee Ave...I have had a chance to help organize/perform and work at HotHouse and I am sad beyond words. I am however happy that the closing is taking place because some things must die in order to live.
It has been one unmatched ride, from seeing my heroes like Oscar Brown Jr., Hugh Masekela, Marvin Tate's D-Settlement, Gil-Scott Heron and zillions of other great shows...this is hard times I guess. It goes without saying that the South Loop will not be the same without the place but as we (the men and women who work there) knew some time ago, this was indeed inevitable.
I think the proper way to say goodbye is by coming down to the spot and attaching as many memories as possible with you. I'll miss it for various reasons but the thing I'll miss most is a place where one could enjoy various musics and comedy (unscheduled). I'll miss everybody even the members of Chicago's growing houseless community who made nights there interesting. I won't miss invisible paychecks, being asked my purpose for being there, a 500 ft wide maxi pad being waived in my face, people trying to "enjoy the moment" in our bathroom, drunk patrons or nights where we would have handfuls of folks instead of the hundreds we had grown accustomed to.
If you want to find out what's going on at HotHouse in the short term go to and take a look around. Yeah this is indeed tough but when one door closes...
Monday, June 25, 2007
Money Makes Area Man Stupid-er
It appears that Tank Johnson has been relieved of his duties with the Chicago Bears. Tank was pulled over this weekend for a speeding incident and he refused to take a Breathalyzer test well bye, bye Tank.
You were told to stay clear of trouble - any kind of trouble or else you will get the most severe penalty possible. Your employer – the NFL suspended you and told you to lay back on the BS you were pulling. Your best friend was murdered this winter and within all of that you found it necessary to go home to Arizona and do whatever you were doing at 3 in the morning and get arrested for speeding.
There is a disturbing trend developing particularly in the NFL where young men with goo-gobs of money, act STUPID. Michael Vick, Pac-Man Jones, most of the roster of the Cincinnati Bengals all of them – kick them out of the league…but wait a second.
If you kick these Neanderthals out of the league, whatever will they do? I would rather the NFL take care of them than have them loose in society. Harsh talk – yes harsh because it is beyond my mental capacity, you have been given a chance to keep your high paying job despite the fact you just spent time in Cook County Jail. You were given chance, after chance, after bleeding chance and you allow yourself to get in trouble – again?
This from the Chicago Tribune - Coach Lovie Smith was quoted on the site ( saying, "A lot of people within our organization gave extra time and energy to support Tank: players, coaches and our front office.
"We did our best to establish an environment for him to move forward. Ultimately, Tank needed to live up to his side of the deal."
Well just how much did the Bears do? I wonder if they offered Tank counseling? Maybe therapy? Perhaps a chance to keep a closer eye on him, make him stay in Illinois? The money, time and potential PR disaster that this creates for the Bears is horrid and timed horribly.
They are as guilty as Tank is and they may be just as stupid for not launching his dumb ass after his buddy was murdered. Well I'll save the equally dumb ass Bears the trouble -
Bye, bye Tank, don’t look back.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Okay everyone I need your help. This is gonna be short but meaningful. I need two tickets to see the Police at (gulp) Wrigley Field on July 7. The first song I learned to play on my bass was a Police song – Message in a Bottle. I owned at one time all of the albums, that’s right albums – not CD’s that they released. In 8th grade Robyn Taylor broke my Zenyatta Mondatta album and I made her mom buy me a new one. You see where I’m going with this right? When they played
Here it is, if you have access to a ticket for the show or know how I can get in the show without doing something horrible to my person or something illegal; please leave me a note at the bottom of this piece. I am already prepared to buy a McChicken and stand outside (gulp) Wrigley Field and listen to the show.
Make it happen friend. I am hoping that you guys will come through and don’t worry, I will be begging for tickets on my show this week.
There is a video from The Police on Mahogany TV – on the real...spread the word, I need two tickets!
Friday, June 22, 2007
On the Run
If Rosie O’Donnell becomes the host of the Price Is Right, how long before we hear: “The Price Is Wrong Bitch!” This would be the single worst hire in the history of American television. Rosie is a social pariah who has lost all cred with me after she decided to sabotage an already awful show – The View. Just when you thought it was safe – duh-na, duh-na here's Rosie about to fuck up another TV show. Yuck – she makes me sick. I mean for real…barf sick.
When people get together to watch an event on TV, does there always have to be “that guy” watching with you? If you don’t know who “that guy” is consider yourself lucky. One of the local bars here in town held “that guy” in such high regard that he destroyed my already dreadful viewing experience. The Cubs clobbered the White Sox and “that guy” couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Ahhhhhh, you can’t beat fun at the old ballpark.
Memo to my brothers with bangin’ sound systems in their rides: TURN YOUR SHIT DOWN. I don’t need to know that you have diminished musical tastes – keep it to yourself. Party like a rock star just consider the local noise ordinance.
I wonder if/when Oprah will take up the cause of Mumia Abu-Jamal? Just a thought...
How in the blue hell does Arsenal let Thierry Henry just walk away without a serious fight? They've made zero moves on the transfer circuit this spring, didn't do crap this past season and now no more Henry!?!?! Oh well...I can still like Arsenal and learn to like Barca. You guys have no idea what I'm talking about do you?
Enjoy yourself this weekend and have one on me...okay at least for me.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Stop Snitchin'? Yeah right...
Last year around this time here in
According to 25-year old Erika Ray asked her homies to kill this brother because she was dismissed from her gig. Now trust me at 25 I was just glad to have a job and I seem to remember getting fired many times and being quite pleased about it. I wonder what possesses a person, what energy is strong enough to forgo your family and future to kill someone over losing a job.
Here is where it gets tricky – not only does the family of Corey Ebenezer continue to grieve over his death, Erika Ray’s family has to be scratching their heads. Why did she ask someone to kill that man? What kind of neo-ghetto new jack revenge bullshit was she on?
Has anyone noticed that there is a campaign in many urban areas to stop snitchin’? Well Lorenzo Wilson didn’t get the memo. Lorenzo allegedly shot and killed the 26 year old father (the baby was 5 days old at the time of his death) for a friend. He tricked on her ass as soon as he possibly could.
So maybe the lesson learned is that you can’t get upset if you get fired and kill your boss. You can’t ask friends of yours to do it and not expect to get snitched on. You can’t be that hung up over losing a job at Leona’s of all places and want to destroy not just the intended victim’s life, but your life and your hit men homies lives too.
The stop snitchin' outreach program is failing. Too bad Corey had to die for it.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Hospital Awareness Week
Cook County Board President Todd Stroger had his Prostate removed and the beat reporters are pissed. It seems that Todd should have revealed his Cancer issue before he was elected board president to give voters a chance to decide if they would really want someone with “the big C” as Board President.
Mr. Stroger chose to keep the matter private as in “Mr. Beavers told me since he has the biggest nuts that I should shut up and wait until June to say anything”.
The press conference was legendary – his poor, poor staff is confused and damn it all to hell if the man didn’t tell the pool of reporters that the curable form of Cancer he has could be taken care of without delay and that he would be able to continue with his job.
Don’t get me wrong. I think Todd Stroger albeit a very nice man is not the best man for this job and when I first saw that he was in the hospital I thought it was to get courage although I don’t know the medical procedure for such a thing.
Maybe I am too much the cynic but I feel like unless it’s life threatening it doesn’t matter whether or not he told the world about his condition. The bottom line is that the man has or had Prostate Cancer and since it affects Americans of African lineage more than anyone that should be the issue not whether or not the pool of reporters missed out on a juicy story that could have changed the election.
God speed President Stroger and hopefully you will recover nicely. To the members of the press, relax and be well. Dig around City Hall I’m sure there is a story on the 5th floor.
Music Before Sunrise
Good Morning Multiverse…here is the Mahogany After Hours Songlist
Al Green – I’m Glad You’re Mine
Al Wilson – Show and Tell
Alanis Morrissette – Uninvited
Allegra Dee – The Music OK
Beck – Sex Laws
The Flaming Lips - Do You Realize??
Notorious B.I.G & Frank Sinatra – Everyday Struggle/A Day in the Life of a Fool
J Dilla-Common-D'Angelo – So Far to Go
Monday, June 18, 2007
King Kobe
I am a PlayStation maven folks. I play every chance I get and my favorite game without peer is any NBA game. I make it a point to destroy the Chicago Bulls as they are configured and add new players. I have always added Kobe Bryant to my squad and I always roll out on any team I play. Over the past month the word from
If you listen to sports talk stations like The Score however you will hear things like
Don’t be fooled just look at his stats. The Bulls have won NOTHING since
Lord, let this PlayStation wish come true…
Saturday, June 16, 2007
So I'm at the Grocery Store
from L to R - Fred Anderson, Hamid Drake
I love Chicago. There should be no doubt about that - ever. I'm at the store over in Bronzeville this evening and who do I bump into?
Fred Anderson one of the worlds great sax players. Hadn't seen Mr. Anderson in quite some time. I've been meaning to check out his new spot - the New Velvet Lounge. Fred is one person that once he knows you, he never forgets you and here I am in the middle of the grocery talking to my hero and nobody knew who this elder was. Only in Chicago.
Check out the newest CD from Fred Anderson and Hamid Drake called From the River to the Ocean. It is outstanding. It features Josh Abrams (original member of The Roots), Harrison Bankhead (member of 8 Bold Souls) and Jeff Parker (member of Tortoise).
Take a Picture, It'll Last Longer
We've all taken pictures that later in life we regret. We look at them 10, 20 years later and go why did I take that picture? In the world of professional sports there are also images that those paid professionals would like to forget.
Yet I still believe in my heart of hearts this team will rebound and finish strong...okay maybe not World Series strong but strong without tearin' up too much of your squad. It kills me however to wear the hat, support my squad, love my Mighty Whiteys but c'mon now folks they really stink and Ozzie has done everything except get back on the field and take grounders at short. This team needs nothing more than a tune up and a Ouija board. Look toward next year but don't white flag this season not yet because in baseball every team is a streak away from being great or horrid. This edition of the White Sox should point back to 2005 and realize that they won because of the bullpen. They had horses who would burn their mother's house down to get on that mound.
They had decent hitting. Some call it small ball or Ozzie ball I call it playground ball. Remember those days when you weren't big enough to hit homers so you hit seeing eye singles, huge doubles and the major league ready triple...these Sox can't get a Dairy Queen triple and a bag of fries - it's bad and getting worse. But remember it's all about images and the picture of Ozzie choking himself is dramatic poetry.
Well now I know
Apparently the 'Cream of Wheat Man' has quite the history. So historic in fact that nobody knew his name or had a proper marker for his grave that is until today. Now ever since I can remember the 'Cream of Wheat Man' was a character who was drawn from some white persons idea of what a black chef looked like. I also seem to remember as I got older running from that box with that smilin' negro taunting me to eat his "cereal".
According to the Chicago Sun-Times the mans name was Frank L. White. He was a cook here in Chicago and the pic was taken in the 1900's. He died on Feb. 15, 1938 and was buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in Leslie, Michigan and now has a headstone for his 2007. They called him Rastus in their advertising. This from Rastus is a given name associated with African Americans in the United States. During the period of American slavery, it was common practice for owners to give their slaves historical, and particularly Biblical, names. (Rastus appears to be a shortening of Erastus, a disciple of St. Paul mentioned in Acts 19:22, Romans 16:23, and 2 Timothy 4:20.) After the end of American slavery, 'Rastus' was used by whites as a generic, often derogatory, name for black men. It became synonymous with the stereotype of the happy, carefree Southern black created by Southern whites to justify continued racial repression. Rastus—as any happy black man, not as a particular person—became a familiar character in minstrel shows.
An honorable man (by most accounts) Mr. White was born about 1867 in Barbados, came to the United States in 1875 and became a citizen in 1890. The Ad men reduced him to a red lipped caricature. His honor diminished to that of least now we know the back story of one of the singular most racist icons in American advertising. Rest in Peace Mr. White...
Friday, June 15, 2007
Something New
to the right is Mahogany TV and on it for the time being is a trailer for a new movie hitting theaters stateside July 13 called Talk To Me starring Don Cheadle. It's about one of the most dangerous dare i say pioneers in the genre of the "shock jock" Petey Greene.
enjoy Mahogany...